His Eminence Archbishop Daniel, in a surprise visit, arrived at All Saints Camp oof the Ukrainian Orthodox Church of the USA to visit with the families of the Mommy & Me/ Daddy & Me program. After greeting the parents, Vladyka spent the morning with the children taking part in their lessons, led by Natalia Mahlay, explaining the creation story from the Book of Genesis - thus fulfilling her requirement for the Youth Ministry Certification Program offered by St. Sophia Ukrainian Orthodox Theological Seminary and the Consistory Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry.
Archbishop Daniel, assisted by Very Rev. Fr. Vasyl Pasakas (spiritual father of the encampment) joined the youth of the Church in sessions, answering their questions and sitting at the "kid's" table for a morning snack.
The children were excited to share stories about the fun they were having during their week and to show Vladyka their artwork. We finished the morning learning to sing "Lord Have Mercy" in several different languages, led by Kira Sendak.
Next, everyone enjoyed a delicious lunch complete with root beer floats! Before he departed, Vladyka Daniel brought out a special treat for the campers- bubbles! The campers had a fun time running, playing and getting messy before pool time. It was a blessing to have His Eminence with us as we learned more about our theme "Caretakers of God's Creation."
The Mommy & Me/ Daddy & Me program is run by Co-Directors Kira Senedak and Denise Strashinsky. It is a special program for 4-8 year olds who attend with a parent and/or additional family members. This program provides spiritual education and fun activities for the whole family and helps young campers to get used to camp, laying the foundation for a lifetime of camping fun! For more information about this program and the rest of the UOC Camping Programs, visit www.uocyouth.org
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